Can we take a moment to appreciate this awesome shot that lasted only a second in S05E06? Every cop car in this shot has only one door open.

If a shot is able to convey that much feeling and information concisely, that is a strength. This is from Lalo's POV, it is a clear choice to put the viewer, however briefly, in a first person perspective to more accurately feel his situation.

All of that has little to do with the fancy - and quite frankly unnecessary - setup of this shot. I would actually argue it hinders what you say should be accomplished by it. Lalo is surrounded by 3 cops but this shot makes it look like it's only 2. That's why I called it a "throwaway" (in quotes, mind you), it doesn't elevate the scene, it's just a cool looking shot and I appreciate the effort by whomever it is that was responsible for it.

I'm not arguing your point that filmmaking is a collaborative effort, because it most definitely is.

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