Can my GP refuse to support adjustments I need at work?

I was being vague in my post because I didn't really want to mention specifics in case it identified me as I live in a small village, but to clear up the situation a bit, I need comfort breaks so I can take a breather if I'm feeling anxious or if I had a bad call. On busy days, the minute you hit 'ready' after ending your previous call you can literally get another call in IMMEDIATELY. It can be THAT quick. When you deal with 10+ calls just one after the other after the other, everyone feels it even those without anxiety or other conditions. I can't just stay in after call work for a few minutes as it's considered call avoidance which can and will lead to a disciplinary. So having those comfort breaks would be a major help and put me on a much more equal ground to my colleagues. I also need two screens because the systems I use at work require me to have anywhere from 9 (minimum required to perform basic banking operations for customers) to 15+ windows/programmes open along with several different tabs. We also have to have the internal information website open at all times as there are so many processes, policies, products, rules, exceptions etc that you cannot remember them all. I find myself getting lost in all the different windows I have open and flipping between windows all the times affects my concentration. I need to have the interal info website and my basic operations window open side by side so I can follow process more easily and not lose my place or skip a step because I'm clicking between windows constantly.

I can see where you're coming from saying you're only getting one side of the story but unfortunately I can't prove my experience so you'll just have to decide yourself how you feel about my post.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread Parent