Can professors reschedule classes?

I mean you aren't addressing the fact that part of my irritation stems from this professor's general lack of disregard for our time (constantly going 10ish minutes over class time, getting snippy when people leave before she's done talking even though they have other classes to be in or work or whatever).

And classes aren't like a box of cookies, where if 1/10 falls on the floor you lose value and only get to eat 9/10 of what you paid for? I did the reading, whether I write something up or have a discussion (for this one class), it's not going to change how much value I'm getting out of reading and critically examining the material. I've had other profs reschedule classes in advance (like they have a conference on class day and we move to another day instead) and it doesn't bother me. This bothers me because her reason for missing class was personal, which is fine (we all have personal lives) but her options for make-up are extremely limiting and not considerate of students' personal lives (Friday & Saturday only, days many people work, including me, or have their only free time). It's fine if that's her only free time too, but she doesn't seem to understand that people have obligations outside her class. There's no flexibility in this situation, except for her, and it feels mean.

/r/williamandmary Thread Parent