Why can I shoot players from within my camp with the white flag raised?

Yep I've seen this bug once. I was semi-afk standing right next to my campfire when some hillbilly looking bastard ran up and roped me. I broke free a couple times then finally got a chance to shoot him dead, all while still next to the campfire. Long before that I noticed the location/time/temp info wasn't showing so I already suspected something was up with that server but figured it wasn't a big deal...until he came along. Hopped servers and eventually encountered a couple more hooligans who shot at me while I was away from camp. They chased me back to camp and stopped shooting as soon as I reached it. They circled a few times like sharks. They fired a couple shots that very nearly hit me, but never hit. Looked like when you aim at certain NPCs and can't shoot, but can shoot right next to them as long as the cursor isn't directly on them.

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