Can we start using the term fake feminist for people who are out to seek anti-equality against men?

If one person gains a vote, an already opposing vote is lost, it is a 1:1 trade in that sense that still counts as zero sum. Overall, the group is larger so I get what you mean, a bit more complicated in populations I guess, maybe that is the fallacy at work in myself.

I agreed to the men should be able to opt out before the third trimester. I said this in my last post.

But you are giving information without solutions. As I said, the forced fatherhood is a bipartisan agreement it seems.

What other actions are there other than telling my children to wrap it because the of the financial mistake that could be?

Same about being arrested, it is more than just an arrest but punitive lifelong damages, women don't have to face this issue as much either.

Look man, a lot of things about rights and opportunities are zero sum BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER. It is simply an explanation of why certain groups feel a certain way (like they are losing). Sometimes it is not zero sum and other times thing the opposing party is gaslighting saying "zero sum fallacy mindset," one of which is affirmative action IMO.

Affirmative action IS zero sum though, for each position a group is advantaged, is one less position of the group being disadvantaged. Although that group is not guaranteed a position, some employers really stick to quotas although they are technically illegal.

Again, doesn't matter that it is zero sum, it matter that it can be considered unfair.

Same with women, doesn't matter if they lose out, it is fair.

What matters is that it is fair for all parties involved, without bias of gender or race....

/r/MensRights Thread Parent