I can’t believe this is really a thing

I mean I'm trying to be delicate here as both genders have different problems the other doesn't seem to understand, but my exact problem there is you saying "which they often do" about just wanting sex and I feel like you're judging the majority based on the vocal minority. Like obviously women get hit on and propositioned all the time. Most men know this as it isn't exactly a secret. But isn't that also anecdotal evidence? All the men I've ever had the pleasure of calling a friend have all said the same thing, that's a shared experience we also have. We all have the girls we wanted to be with who slept with us and then said they couldn't see actually dating us. That's a universal experience among men too.

I don't want to get too into it because I just don't want to get any hate for saying it, especially because if I start talking too much about it people will assume I'm an apologist for some shitty behaviors, but my ultimate point is I don't think people should be able to say "men do XYZ" and that's fine but if any of us say "women do XYZ" that's not cool. Like if I said as a man "women will drop you the second they see you cry" wouldn't you be offended? Because I assume you are a good person and would be supportive of your partner just based on the patience and civility of this conversation but, like, if you said that men are cold and uncaring I'd have the same "not all men" reaction because kind of feels like it's, as you said, based on anecdotal evidence. I know there are plenty of women out there who would support a man for being emotional.

Wow. That was rambling. I'm on meds sorry.

/r/badwomensanatomy Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com