Not sure why Mia Khalifa is being used to represent female circumcision...everyone can see she still has her clit...

I doubt many people on this forum want to defend male circumcision either, but it’s not a relevant tangent here.

Principally, it smacks of whataboutism: “omg this sign is painfully misogynistic!” “Oh yeah, well what about MALE circumcision?!” “Okay yes, also bad, but not really what we were talking about…?”

But more to the point, comparing FGM and removing the foreskin is itself a subtle example of bad women’s anatomy. They are certainly both violations of a child’s inability to consent to an unnecessary medical procedure. But physically, cutting off the clitoris is more akin to cutting off THE ENTIRE HEAD OF THE PENIS than just the foreskin.

/r/badwomensanatomy Thread Parent Link -