My younger sister’s year level had a “health and well-being” speaker in today, and the nonsense she spouted was ridiculous

This is why parents need to talk to their children young. There is no innocence lost by talking to a girl before her first period about all the things mentioned. Children can know about birth control existing and options even. It doesn't need to be gone into great detail but still is a conversation that can be had for knowledge purposes. If we don't educate our kids either other kids will pass along possibly, not always, bad info or you get quacks like this.

Now, to some twinkle of credit, some makeups, nail polishes, and perfumes can be downright nasty for you. Some of the chemicals in them and/or ingredients are cancer causing or cause unnecessary testing on animals which is an animal cruelty thing so it's a word to the wise to check ingredients of all beauty products to make sure they are safe.

/r/badwomensanatomy Thread