I shared an experience where I was groomed and someone came into my DMs under the guise of wanting to understand my situation better. He asked me to recount my story and made remarks on my body instead. TW, more content in the comments

TW: pedophilia, grooming

The post I shared should still be up on my profile, but proceed with caution. I was okay with people DMing me to ask if I was alright and how to better educate their children about things like this. However, what I was not expecting was for this one guy to come into my DMs, pretend to be all concerned, telling me that I should not be blaming myself since it’s not my fault that I was so young. I trusted him and he asked me for details of what happened.

(MAJOR TW) At first, I kept it simple. When I found porn, when I found out about sexting, why I wanted the validation (my parents never gave it to me), why the situation was so confusing to a kid. But he kept on pushing, asking me how I masturbated as an 8 year old kid (????). He asked if I ever got caught, what I wore to school, if I was wet and if I had a thigh gap because he was ‘curious as to how this could have happened’.

Following that, he started asking more and more questions, if I had enjoyed the grooming, if I liked doing whatever older men told me to do. I answered truthfully, I continued because I loved the validation. But what I never realised was how absolutely fucked up the power dynamic, maturity difference was when I was 10.

/r/badwomensanatomy Thread Link - reddit.com