Can’t decide

Experiment with replacing or refunding before messaging the customer. Only replace items with obvious replacements you feel comfortable with. Pretty good standard is; always select a replacement of the same flavor (if strawberry yogurt is out, don’t replace with cherry)... never replace a fruit with a different fruit (I.e. strawberries for raspberries) and never change a cut of meat...(I.e. ribeye for a filet mignon... chicken breast for chick things... sliced turkey breast for slider ham...)

If you send them a message and they answer, than that means they’re gonna see your replacements and want to respond anyways. So there’s really no need to message first. They’re either gonna approve and not have to text at all, request a different replacement through a prompt (which I love), request a refund, or message you about it, which is cool.

Or they’re not gonna respond at all, and they either don’t rate or leave a 5 star.

/r/InstacartShoppers Thread