Canadian Muslims Donate $250,000 Eid Gift To Rebuild Fort McMurray Homes

ISIS is to muslims as the KKK is to christians as Nazi Germany was to the human race. An extremist faction and not a representative to populations outside its influence.

I'm an LGBT atheist and I feel bad for muslims nowadays, for the harsh treatment they are going through even tho ISIS is a group of people a world away with very few sympathizers in north america. Most of them are peaceful people with no ill will for anyone, some of them are extreme, just like every other demographic in the world, there's always bad apples. If you are of any religion and you want to say that all Muslims are bad people for what their religion teaches, take a moment to look at yourselves first. Chances are, your demographic has committed some pretty heinous crimes, and the majority of the demographic has chosen to exclude the beliefs that lead to those crimes. Even if they are still in the texts.

Muslims, especially the ones in north america have already done the same. ISIS is a faction, one that is part of the middle east where muslims are generally but not necessarily more extreme than they are here. Most muslims are caring, peaceful, and open minded just like the majority of christians

You don't see me hating every christian for what the westboro baptist church does. Do you want the world to start thinking of all christians as westboro baptist church members? Do you think that is correct? Because that sounds just as silly to me as saying all muslims are like ISIS.

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