Canadian politicos marvel at circus of U.S. election

This is what separates him from Reagan, McCain and Romney. Those republicans were willing to work within the political structure that exists in America. While I am not fond of how the structure is laid out and think that reform in necessary, Trump sees content to discuss subverting law and institutions.

In regards to Reagan, of whom McCain is a direct descendant (Romney is more complicated, but part of the piece), words like 'revolution' were certainly thrown around. In the end, though canonized as such, Reagan was really no such thing. He was 'reaction' to much of what happened politically in the 60-70s. Not Nixon, not Carter, something seemingly new. A 'Great Communicator'. Still more residual Goldwater than traditional patrician GOP.

His legacy is of more import now than his actual served-terms (undeniably consequential). The fellow travelers of Reagan, the anti-taxers (Norquist), the detritus of the 'Southern Strategy' and the Neo-Conservatives had a baby. Let's call it the 'Tea Party'.

The baby grew swiftly, nurtured by anger, dissatisfaction and, largely, racial alienation. It's post-adolescent progeny is Trump. He is the avatar of an Angry White America. And, sadly, he's moved the needle as to what's acceptable in political discourse. Win or lose, others will emulate.

Politesse now matters less than politics, thanks to Trump. Ideas less than emotion. And gesture more than motive.

Ascribing these to something less than 'fascist' and blunting them with the increasingly anodyne term 'populist', is to be willfully ignorant of history, if not the actual definition of the designation.

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