Why you can't drive on this brand new $616M GTA highway | CBC News

Do you know how hard construction workers work? How hard it is on their bodies, even if you are just the person holding the sign to stop and go traffic, those guys job sucks, especially if you are a woman on a hot day. These companies work so hard, the workers pour their heart and souls into it, they left their families to do a job for their country even if it is paid, and you aren’t going to pay them for that time they will never get back with family? Whomever voted Ford in, you are all dickheads. We can have different beliefs, but we knew this man wasn’t cut out for politics. He can talk and walk like a duck, but he will never actually be a duck. Just another man trying to get business exemptions for himself and his friends. I don’t understand why people are so for someone who is business heavy, and forgets that he is here to serve the people. The people served him, he needs to pay the fuck up. Maybe get his friends to pay all their taxes and no special funding, I’m sure they could source that money a little easier.

/r/ontario Thread Link - cbc.ca