I moved from a dictatorship (Iran) to Canada and didn't expect things to be perfect, cause let's face it conservatives are everywhere amirite? But from the day I started living in Ontario, I've been overwhelmed by how little citizens can hold Doug Ford and his government in general accountable.

You’re complaining but you don’t offer a solution. A coup perhaps? Let a cartel run the country? Shoot his helicopter out of the sky? Murder all the politicians? This is a democracy. Every single adult citizen get a vote and an opinion, and where there are votes and opinions there will be differences. This is how we grow. You can become a lawyer/politician and create a change. You can continue to bitch about a country that welcomed you. You can vote/march/write letter, start a social media campaign, talk to your MP, go to city hall meetings etc etc. Or you can return to Iran where no one gets a vote or an opinion and dictators always win.

/r/ontario Thread