Carry or support? Why and what does this say about a person.

I don't play either role definitively. I just pick the good heroes and make the good items so I can have the best chance at winning the video game.

It doesn't help when the people in my stack pick literally the most retarded shit with no synergy and then play like scared little girls and never make plays. No one likes playing the good initiating offlaners like clock or tide or bat. Nope, I must suffer through shit like offlane necro maxing heartstopper first or offlane sven with 0 impact or supports that sit in the safelane after I've said 5 times that I'm good to solo and to go gank mid or something.

So I usually end up not playing some of my favorite heroes (Crystal Maiden, Lion, Venge, Shaman, Earthshaker) in favor of picking the good carry heroes and trying to amass enough gold that I can win the game mostly by myself. I can only pick those heroes if the only other guy in our stack who can carry the game is playing. Then I just gank his lane like a million times and get him massively fat.

My favorite games are still the ones when they carry the shit out of me, but those are once in 5 blue moons :(. It's relaxing to literally not be needed and just be able to focus on getting 10+cs a minute from ricing all game long while they stomp 4 v 5. Farming is like so therapeutic god damn.

It's frustrating when every game feels like them basically waiting to see "Is fancy going to have a good game this time and win everything for us." I don't think we've ever won a game when I did poorly or got shut down (fucking people always trilaning against my AM when I just want to fucking hit creeps D:) And even when I have a good game, it's still a coin toss to see if they're light enough to carry or not. Passive teammates are the worst. :(


But yeah I just try my hardest and put my heart into winning the video game. I really don't care what role I play. I just wanna blow up the enemy's big rock.

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