Catholic Saints about Homosexuality.

You find it easier to believe that God hates people loving each other? Wow. The And again adultery would still be bad in both a heterosexual and homosexual context as its deceiving someone a commitment has been made to. There's nothing similar in terms of harm observed in gay relationships.

I don't hate gays but I have a hard time understanding how an intellectually honest person can reconcile an active gay sex life with being Christian. I can't blame you too much, choosing between your faith and having any kind of sex life can't be easy. But I don't see choosing both as a valid option. Why? God is love. He's created and nurtured all love including that between my husband and I. What's to reconcile?

But I don't see choosing both as a valid option. Christianity has been about as clear and consistent about the immorality of homosexual acts as it has been about anything else. If they got that much wrong why give the rest of it any credence? Except it hasn't been clear. The references don't show a loving gay relationship that's condemned. It shows instances where if the individuals were a man and a woman would still be condemned.

It's more plausible to you that God came to earth as a man, performed miracles, died and was resurrected than that he doesn't want you to have orgasms inside other men's bodies, or let other men orgasm inside your body? Really? That's the sticking point? And reason led you to that, not self-interest? Okay. Maybe I should start describing your partner as somewhere you stick your cock and ignore all other aspects of your relationship? Maybe then you'll see how insulting and demeaning your comments are to gay people. You reducing our lives to mere sex acts helps to demonise it and I refuse to engage while you do that without recognising our wider relationship.

Also your point about self interest should be addressed by you too. It's lack of self interest that has led you to accept a 'loving' God who hates 'love'. That's a massive disconnect. The only reason you don't want to go further into investigating it is because it's easier to reconcile by demonising people and because it doesn't effect you. Otherwise you would see its fruits and rightfully dismiss condemnation of loving relationships and family.

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