CG @EACarrie... really?

Cool! I am one of 882... Doesn't have much ring to it, but cool all the same. For those wondering how this might be possible, I started banking every crystal I could as soon as badstila and candy hit marquee. Made it to 36k saved by the time they went farmable. Spent some unnecessarily on shipments thinking the time frame would be shorter. Spent some speed gearing JKR after getting him 2nd pass. DR was to be my first time getting the new toon on first pass... I had no idea Malak was coming in advance. Was left with 11k after unlocking DR which much of it went toward gearing him thanks to the new gears. Luckily I had 3 zetas waiting to place after giving DR his trio or else I would have never unlocked Malak too. It came down to the last day finally getting enough omega and crystals for a last gear piece and zeta applied to attempt the light side portion. And just finally hit g11 on Malak this week. 2nd zeta being applied tonight after I complete dailies. Looking forward to rebuilding my crystal stocks now that I can stop spending my daily winnings. Started playing first week of August, 2016.

/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes Thread