Character Introduction Thread

(I've been here before, but this time I'd like to establish a better character with a more fleshed-out background.)

Jackilyn Monroe was once an idealistic eighteen-year-old girl, who used the money her parents gave her for college to instead sneak into the "oppressive and evil" patriarchy of the Maledom Empire. She joined a small rebel group, and at the time, her hair was short.

Needless to say, she didn't last long. A surprise raid by the government quickly brought her into a reeducation facility, where she initially resisted. As a result, they merely lengthened and brutalized her until she broke, and focused on dehumanizing her. She, like all cunts put in the program, eventually broke, and since they continued her sentence for a long time afterward, she became more desperate and pathetic. She has zero dignity, and is a massively sniveling, snitching little slave, who will do anything to gain even the smallest amount of recognition. In a test, she snitched on her best criesnds within the FRA in exchange for more punishment, solely because she as told to. This caused several others to be captured and tortured, and despite how painful and horrid this was for her physically, she still tried to rat out more, in a weak attempt to please. She will adapt to any command she is given if it makes her owner even slightly happy, and she is constantly working to be seen as an owner's best slave. Her only real desires are to be seen as the worthless animal she is, and she sees clothes as a punishment, as her natural, animal state is nude and barefoot, covered in whatever dirt or crime she acquires crawling around on the ground.

Her previous owner mainly used her to take out his anger on, and kept her chained outside in the cold and filth. She was still eager to be punished, and he eventually traded her to an auction company for a decent bottle of wine.

Now she is for sale, dirty, nude, and on all fours, chained to a post and branded on the left ass cheek with "FRA"

(OOC: Basically, I want to be the pathetic, groveling, cheap slave that someone buys to chuck in a random room and take their anger out on. Her owner could do otherwise of course, and I am fine with RPing as any sort of slave, but I prefer this.)

/r/MaledomEmpire Thread