If you were a person with a great amount of power/influence, what would you do about the Andrew Tate problem ?

Nothing I would address the real problem as to why boys are listening to his content or like him. I'd inspire confidence, self improvement, critical thinking, good debating skills. Young teenagers flock to him or listen to his content because he's successful, confident and a womaniser. Self improvement will resonate very hard with the masses where a growing number of boys don't have fathers in their households or the in father have come short . They have a constant search for a potential father figure and role model. Plus the schools and colleges are demeaning men and calling their masculinity toxic while praising women exhibiting masculine traits as empowering. He's inspiring self improvement and discipline in a way that's resonating with the captivating young audience. If I could instil sale improvement, discipline, confidence and critical thinking in the young kids today they'd automatically improve on their own and won't need to listen to Andrew Tate.

/r/AskReddit Thread