Check-in Post - Have something to say but don't want to make a post about it? Comment here!

I think I've been needing to post for a while. I've been NC with NMom for 5 years now - that period covers end of high school and college. Coming to the end of my college degree now.

My little sister is back in my life. It wasn't my choice, she walked onto my college campus and found me. I have so many mixed feelings about it. She's told me a big long story about how a year ago, NMom was physically abusive and she ended up self-harming her way into hospital. She now lives with NMom again and is showered with luxury items and a new car. I am completely torn because part of me knows how awful it feels not to be believed about shit like this, but at the same time, I can't get over the fact that this apparently happened and relevant authorities (as well as herself) were happy to let her go back to live with NMom. It's also taken me by surprise just how similar to NMom she is. Stuff like wearing clothes for a weekend and then returning them to the store on the Monday for a full refund (NMom is basically a professional shoplifter and pulls these tricks all the time). An absolute shitshow on twitter of her talking about how much money she has, the luxury items she is constantly buying, and how grown up she is (she is a teenager in high school). Stupid stuff like snapchatting whilst driving. I think in her mind now I am going to reconcile with my Mother, but this experience has reaffirmed to me that that will never, ever happen. Luckily I'm moving far away once I graduate this summer but I just really need some advice from y'all about how I should be dealing with this. I guess the overwhelming feeling is a profound discomfort about the whole thing.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread