What was the worst “punishment” that you got from your nparents and why?

  1. My mother would purposefully start an argument in the car to have the excuse that I was having an attitude. Then she’d pull over and make me get out of the car. She would either drive off and I’d have to walk like 5 miles home. Or sometimes she’d drive a mile or 2 ahead, park, and then make me get back in the car after I caught up. She once did this on a highway.

  2. She would lock me in a closet. This is funny because when I read Harry Potter for the first time I was like “Woah, he’s just like me!” which is pretty sad in hindsight.

  3. Bought studded belts solely for the purpose of spanking my hands/knuckles. I developed hand tremors and joint inflammation.

  4. She threatened to kill me multiple times, but she would also tell me reasons why I should kill myself to save her time.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread