This is child abuse, enough said.

This is why I kept my kids online for the rest of the school year. My oldest daughter is missing out on her senior year, and my middle daughter is missing all of middle school. My middle daughter has a friend who’s doing in person classes, and was sent home because she had a sore throat (it’s spring, and I live in a state with crazy high pollen counts). Her brother was also sent home, and they have to either test negative after a 14 day quarantine, or stay out of school for 6 weeks without taking the test. I’d rather my kids get some semblance of a “normal” life where they can see their friends over the weekend after doing online school than one where they’re herded to and from class with zero allowed interaction, and then put on a list somewhere because they swallowed a drink of water wrong, or had a flare in allergies in the beginning of spring

/r/NoNewNormal Thread Link -