GOP Senators complained when Amazon refused to sell one anti-trans book. Now it won’t sell any. - "We have chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness.”

Does that make it OK? I mean...I see a lot of people talking about how hypocritical republicans are but I've not really seen anyone express an opinion on the actual event.

How am I supposed to feel about this. Am I supposed to support it, or is it OK to be against it and still laugh at the hypocrisy. I don't want to bring down anything upon my can someone tell me what people expect my opinion here to be?

Frankly, from the standpoint of morality, I don't look to anything Bezos's like totally irrelevant in that regard. I seriously doubt he even has one...a moral code that is...and 'banning' books has never been anything I even thought I would even support, or that anyone near me in the political spectrum would.

As a liberal who believes in the freedom of expression I find this sort of thing scary. I don't listen to Republicans about the issue because they are just lost. But I do not like this idea of large companies stepping in and telling us what is OK...or even just responding to the mob's opinion on the matter to keep from becoming the next viral thing.

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