Childcare is sooooooo easy, it should be cheap right?

Possibly tmi but this CB is putting their kids in real danger. I have an in-law who did this exactly - paid a lady under the table some paltry amount to watch his 1 year old because his wife was too good for that sort of work (they’re both pieces of work tbh). She was also watching about 6 other kids from 1-6 years old, basically running a day care but on the down low. Paid $150 a week for “childcare.”

Well, turns out that the lady wasn’t actually taking care of the kids, and sadly, my in-law’s daughter died for it. All because having a Gucci bag was more important to spend their money on than taking care of their kid. No one was surprised, family had been telling them how bad of an idea this was for a while before hand, but they didn’t care because “it was their money and their child, don’t tell them how to take care of her!!!1”

I finally blocked them off of Facebook after the eight millionth “R.I.P. in peace my angel who god took home” post that they used to garner sympathy (and raise money from, of course. He just bought a vintage corvette, but can’t afford the legal bills for justice for his precious angel so all family should chip in a couple grand)

Sorry, this just pisses me off. A child is worth more than that. Unfortunately, they have no say in who they’re born to.

/r/ChoosingBeggars Thread Parent Link -