CIA illegally harvested US citizens' data, senators assert

Hot take: the CIA is watching US citizens and collecting data on them. Good job senators. What are we gonna nail down next, Watergate? Christ. At this point this is barely a frightening conspiracy. The most alarming thing you could take from this is that A. This is what our government does instead of, you know, making our lives better. B. They have almost no idea what each other are getting up to and don’t really work together in a coordinated and cohesive way. C. There is an entire population of utter jackasses in this country that think THESE people just pulled off a massive fraud to steal an election, manufacture a pandemic, smear everyone’s least favorite billionaire (and honestly that may be his biggest achievement) and maybe run a wacky child sex ring on the side.

God damn.

(Don’t hit me up about the CIA…no I don’t want them collecting my data without any transparency, reason or accountability. Silly.)

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