Clinton leading Trump in 2 battleground states

Take an example - AA in jail are a product of systematic racism. The "stat" mainstream media uses is that more african-americans are in jail than other races, but it neglects how much more crime they commit. They IGNORE other stats in their "factual reporting" such as ones here --

The #1 cause of black violent death is black people. Black culture doesn't promote the nuclear family unit, and glorifies "gangster" and "hoodness". They commit more crime and are delinquents at far higher rates than other races, and even other minorities who somehow have been able to make it thru life without committing as many violent intra-racial crimes. Police officers are literally saving african-americans from themselves...but facts liberal uses will take all that context out and tell you they're being oppressed!!! At the end of the day - Contrary to eveything you say - "objective" is reinterpreted to fit the narrative of the writer/reporter at the time. Breitbart just uses a different color lens from CNN.

Pay to play - And that's just on example. Additionally, if there's no issue at all with Clinton conflict of interest, why is she promising to consider stopping contact if she wins the presidency? That suggest she knows there's a conflict of interest. Here's Bernie's take on it that agrees she needs to stop working with the foundation -- so if she was working with the foundation before, and they got donations that corresponded with weapon sales, it's not too hard to see the obvious link there.

Next - the Democrat establishment is supposed to be neutral. They weren't. The establishment via the DNC set up a narrative of super delegates that was against the clear will of the people. The establishment via DWS lied about Sanders supporters violence in Nevada. The establishment via Clinton surrogates lied about Sanders record on guns leading to guns leaking from Vermont to new york for the shooting. The establishment fed money into her campaign via donors whereas sanders raised money to represent we the people. Furthermore, look at the suspect exit polls and the numerous accounts of people being denied their ballot submissions. Where there's a shit ton of smoke, the fire is likely. Bern was cheated and he's angry because of that. Your last line shows just how deep in the establishment's kool-aid you are. Bernie's the most honest and trustworthy and capable candidate we've had in decades. He consistently crosses both aisles as an independent.

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