Cloud of chemicals above ohio

Former conductor here and I just want to say that stuff like this is what happens when these companies cut jobs and make trains way longer and heavier than what’s safe all while force their remaining workers to work inhumane hours. We had three derailments in our yard within 2 months because they wanted these monster trains being built even though they knew the yards design/rail quality couldn’t handle it. Like they literally accepted the risk of an employee dying or toxic chemicals being spilled just so they could move more with one train vs 2. It’s really disgusting and I’m so glad I quit.

Make no mistake these companies do not give a shit about the public or their workers (even at the management level). Managers have literally told us to leave the yard without a working bell, with inaccurate hazmat position in train paperwork, and even told us to leave when we could clearly see there was a leak somewhere in the air brake system because “all you need on this territory is the dynamic brakes anyway”. And if something goes wrong, blame it on the crew and pay off whatever legal battle they may face because that’s cheaper in the long run.

/r/oddlyterrifying Thread Link -