CMSC330 in the Fall: Anwar Mamat or Roger Eastman

I had Anwar for 132 and currently have Eastman for 330. I personally enjoy Anwar’s lecturing style more(live-coding and drawing data structures/diagrams out). Eastman mainly lectures and does a little bit of live coding. When I took Anwar for 132, I walked out of the lecture actually understanding the content material and reading the slides was just review, but I don’t understand 330 lectures at all and I have to basically learn the material myself using the slides. Granted, this might just be because 330 material is less straightforward than 132 material and doesn’t rly reflect the ability of the lecturer. There’s also ppl who are currently taking Anwar and says that he goes too fast and like Eastman’s lectures more(having access to them now bc of Zoom). In the end, I don’t think it really matters, I feel like you’ll do most of your learning by going over the slides either way.

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