Greek Life Shouldn't Exist: Change my mind

Oh, you were being 'facetious'? Maybe google that word next time midwit, make sure you're actually using it properly. I'll have you know I'm a double major in English and Computer Science, and my intellect rapidly outpaces yours at every corner you turn.

How do I know this about you? Well it's elementary. At a certain level of IQ there is an unspoken aspect to our intelligence, one which we can detect in others instantly. In many respects, it is a fraternity in its own right, something in which you would never understand. Women have a similar instinct. To the onlookers, imagine how many countless hours this pathetic human being has wasted, wondering what "it" is that other males have; why he is rejected instantly - though it is never expressed, he can pick on girl's lack of interest in him almost instantly. Is it his personality, or perhaps his physical attributes (Physiognomy is a legimitate science and not to be ignored)? The truth is, like most areas of real life, it's a bit of both. Most people instantly pick up on the fact that you are a beta loser, similar to how most others will quickly recognize the noble and strong personality traits present in my handsomely bold and leonine facial features.

I’m not an amazingly handsome Adonis or something, but whenever the subject has came up most people use the specific phrase “a pretty good looking guy” to describe me, with a genuine tone of “giving due credit”.

Similarly I’m not “jacked” or large framed but people who see me shirtless do concede that I am “respectably” muscular due to my intense Max Cady-like calisthenics routine.

Anyway, this is growing tiresome. I will close at by saying that this exchange has been one of the worst ways I can imagine spending my free time, and it is my only hope that when the Nuclear fallout finally comes to pass, you and your species are located in the "sweet spot", the ideal distance from the blast zone, where you will suffer the nightmarishly slow agony of a skin-melting death rather than the undeserved quickness of instant disintegration.

/r/UMD Thread Parent