A few questions before May 1

GVPT major so I won't answer the engineering questions:

Switching majors is somewhat of a chore and you don't always get in. My friend on BSOS tried to switch majors and it took her an extra semester to even get the switch, as she was denied once.

Easily the best major at UMD is comp-sci, but engineering is also a very strong program.

For advisors the best ones have been my major advisors. My major is under the school of behavioral sciences so there's the BSOS advisors and the GVPT advisors. With engineering being it's own school it's probably just advisors from the school of engineering.

Best part of the school has to be the people, everyone is extremely friendly and there's so many cliques to choose from!

Worst part has to be how bureaucratic and "big" this school is in terms of the administration. Everything takes forever to process and there's a lack of personalization, you really have to work to get things done. It teaches you about the real world though.

/r/UMD Thread