Small plane crash causes power outages throughout Montgomery County

Hi, pilot here. The article lists that what happened to cause them to run into the power lines is unknown, but there’s a general assumption that can be made until the pilot himself tells them. If anyone is curious that is.

The weather that night was pretty terrible. Notably, a fog had shown up fairly quickly and completely blocked all view of the ground and the runway. This is an assumption as the fog started at roughly 30ft and I don’t doubt it was overcast above that, not to ignore that it was just plain dark at the time. Instead of heading to an airport where the weather was a bit clearer, they decided to try and land at KGAI

Looking at their flight path, they were on final for KGAI when they got caught in the power lines. It seems like they were trying to land at KGAI but got a bit lost in the fog and flew too low. Hence, they ran into the power lines.

I have a photo or two of that airplane dangling and it’s not pretty. Those guys are lucky

/r/UMD Thread