Is University Club as bad as the internet makes it out to be?

It’s been pretty okay for me.

  1. ⁠The people in the leasing office will lie and gaslight you. Do not believe what they say. One example - people believed what they said about no towing just to be towed the next day. They also lie about pest control. It's allegedly weekly but they have almost never visited despite my several requests.
  2. ⁠Mice and roaches no matter how clean you keep everything. I have both seen and heard mice daily. Pesticides, etc might help for a short time.
  3. ⁠If you don't move in immediately after your lease starts, they actually let other people live in your room. They can also forcibly relocate you to a different apt room on a weekly basis (I've talked to people who were in this situation).
  4. ⁠Did something in your apt break? Get ready for it to take half a year to fix.
  5. ⁠The people living in that street/area. I'm a minority and I've had racial slurs yelled at me while outside.
  6. ⁠Crime. Do not leave the building doors open or hold them open for anyone. Someone did that and the guy followed her to her apt and she got robbed. I've also found my mail ripped open inside my mailbox with the contents stolen. I've ran into people inside the building who were visibly unwell being escorted out by cops.
/r/UMD Thread