CMV: Black people can be racist towards and discriminate towards white people.

Despite affirmative action whites still hold the majority of wealth and the majority who voted also voted for trump.

Black males are still fetishised in porn and also music which are usually watched/bought by white males.

Let's keep it real. No black person thinks they are superior to white people that aren't delusional or have a undiagnosed mental illness.

Black people are more militant nowadays than passive and docile because it's atleast not ignored and treated with respect due to fear etc

i'd argue that if there wasn't black people with racist views(individually) we'd have less discussion about the differences between systemic racism vs individual racism.

I mean despite historically black people being oppressed specifically to the advantage of white people. We always come to semantics and dancing around terminology that offends white people than actual action to combat the systems because "muh feelings".

Yet when the time comes....all that virtue signalling goes out the window and here we are with trump elected. So all this faux intellectual debate is trivial tbh.

Black people are terribly prejudiced especially in lower economic situations. Not racist but definitely bigoted in their prejudices at times...but they aren't at totally fault for coming to that stance.

Historically being a dick and being amoral won you wars and the spoils. Let's keep it 100.

I'd ask you this....why would you care anyway? it's like a poor person discrimating vs a rich person(see racial wealth gap) it's almost sad.

Don't be mad at them and don't take them seriously. They literally have no power apart from physical violence which would lead to them being incarcerated with a harsher penalty anyway.

This is why the word needs to be eliminated. Racial prejudice and then actual race-ism regarding power etc

Too many "but black people can be racist too" cmvs and not anything to actually change anything.

If there was a white equivalent of mlk we'd be somewhere but that's yet to happen.

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