CMV: the electoral college no longer deserves to exist in its current form

Popular vote says that NYC, 1 relatively small area (relative to an entire state) gets 8 times the say as the state of Nebraska.

No, popular vote says that every persons vote in NYC matters just as much as every persons vote in Nebraska. As it currently stands, people's votes in either Nebraska or NYC matter much less than a persons vote in Florida or Ohio.

You can't grasp that location influences behavior and that population density in certain locations gives all the power to small areas.

If location influences behavior to the degree you are implying, well there are more people living in rural areas than urban areas. Is a rural area in Nebraska really that different than one in Alabama or Oregon? Is NYC really that different than Atlanta or Portland?

I don't understand why this is such a problem. What's the difference? Right now you have rural people in New York who's votes are essentially meaningless and urban people in Texas who's votes are meaningless.

population density in certain locations gives all the power to small areas.

Aren't there still more people living in rural areas (including towns >10,000) than in cities?

Commenter above said:

the like-minded people of the urban environments would have a majority, single-perspective vote that would completely overpower and overlook the needs of other areas

Uh.. isn't there a similar like mindedness amongst people in rural areas? It sure seems that way looking at electoral history for the past 100 years. Why continue to force the issue in a few "swing states"? Wouldn't it make more sense for candidates to campaign based on what they could offer for the entire country rather than focused on a tiny percentage of people and trying to convince them? I mean how much time did each candidate spend in Florida? How the hell is that fair to the rest of the country?

I think the only solution here is to ask you to travel the country and actually see how vastly different everyone is.

I don't see how this is an argument for the electoral college. If anything shouldn't it be the opposite? Shouldn't the candidates be forced to tailor their campaigns to the most diverse array of Americans as possible?

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