CMV:Equality is impossible, the progressive movement has been hijacked by petulant morons who fail to use facts and attack people just for disagreeing with you.

I am just making a point that we need to start arguing based on facts and not based on opinion.

If it is discovered for example that biology plays a role behind why boys and girls generally have different interests, alongside upbringing, couldn't this knowledge reveal ways to get girls interested in legos, mechano sets and whatnot? We could still achieve equality, just in different ways.

Your criticism of the "petulant morons" is correct but this does not mean equality is impossible. Humanity has accomplished much like emancipation and universal democracy, we have already made great strides with equality and it is feasible to do more. We can pluck out the psychological roots of people's behavior, we can find the truth about nature and nurture, we can examine ethics and philosophy and if the truth is on your side eventually it will sink in and better ways of achieving equality will prevail.

They are not "petulant morons" anyway, they are reacting to people who hate or discriminate against them for no good reason, a quite human reaction and something we would all do. I like to tell myself "I won't let emotions interfere with my reasoning", though still in stressful situations I often let slip.

They don't represent the average person who values equality, they represent someone who feels the need to use their free time for this and in this way. It is possible that a minority of demagogues take advantage of their fears, even righteous causes can be abused by extremists, though it is not that serious, just a bunch of people blowing off steam and one day they will grow up. I suspect anti-slavery and pro-democracy groups had their share of nuts, they didn't derail those causes.

/r/changemyview Thread