CMV: Mac computers are overpriced, and you can always get an objectively better PC.

I've had several windows laptops from several brands including Dell, HP, Fujitsu, and Asus. I have built a few desktop PC's and five years ago bought my MBP.

For work, my MBP is my workhorse. It handles everything I need to- LaTex, python, logins, excel, etc. The workmanship is phenomenal and the trackpad is absolutely the best thing since sliced bread. The macbook trackpads are so much better than any mouse, with the exception for gaming. Five years later, the only thing I have done was take out of disk drive and replace it with an SSD.

Why did I choose a macbook? The OS is great, it's simple, and does everything I want it to do without a fuss. After having lots of trouble with XP, Vista, and 7, I decided to jump in. Was it worth the extra $100? absolutely.

In less than 5 minutes, I comprised a parts list for a PC that would look beautiful (as in not the cheapest, shittiest tower available. A $150 nice looking tower), have a 4k screen, and was objectively better in every other way, for $200 less....

I'm not going to even argue with you here. Yeah, you do pay a premium for apple products. You know why? because they are the only one that makes apple products. But for those $200 more, you get a product that is well-designed (minus a few problems here and there), and just works. I have a 27"iMac as well that I run minor photo processing and video editing on and it is fantastic. The screen is beautiful, the trackpad is amazing, and it is all contained in its own system.

You have to realize that there is much more to computers than just raw performance. I would rather have a well-designed product that works than a powerhouse with some bugs. There are also different markets than just gaming. Not everyone cares for raw performance. The user interface plays a massive role in how someone likes a computer. If it weren't for gaming, there is no reason why I would get another windows machine.

It doesn't change that fact that a PC will mathematically be better at EVERYTHING you do with it.

sure, but that doesn't matter to everybody. Yeah macs aren't the best for gaming. That is obvious, and well established, but you have to realize that design and user interface matters much more to people who don't care about gaming.

Macs are beautiful machines- and designed to work very well with the components that are chosen. I've had $1000 windows laptops melt their own motherboards because of ill-design. I've had laptops that get so ridiculously hot because of improper airflow.

You need to realize that performance is not the most important thing that non-gamers look at. Once my macbook bites the dust, I'll be getting another mac in a heartbeat because of the design, materials, OS, and functionality.

but the question is, are macs overpriced? That is the opinion of the buyer. Sure, macs could be cheaper, but I would rather spend the extra few hundred and get a mac than risk getting a windows laptop again.

/r/changemyview Thread