CMV: Not everyone should go to college

College is extremely important across the world, but specially in the United States. Everyone should at least try to get a college degree. The degree doesn't have to be from an ivy league school, or an expensive university, it could be from your local community college.

  • A commune college degree can often be free with financial aid, or really cheap.

  • A High School diploma will not open any good opportunities in the job market.

  • The reason that everyone is pushing kids/teens/adults to get a college diploma, is because when you are job hunting, the gate-keepers take a college degree seriously.

  • When you become an adult, and experience the hardships of having dead-end-jobs, you really start to see why an education is worth it.

To combat your points, a college degree is not going to find you a job, or make you a millionaire. It is there because the good required it, the best companies request it, and its a great accomplishment.

  • College is there for you to learn new things, that you may not have known before. Persue a career in something that before you did not know you were passionate about. College is there to mold you, make you more articulate, and perfect your brain to write properly, and learn about math & science.

If you do not want to go to college, that is your decisions. You are free to make that decision. However to make a blanket is irresponsible, because a person will hear you, and they may take your advice. It is not fair to make that statement without first taking about the negatives or not attending college. Maybe some billionaires got rich making a company and dropping out, but for the majority of us peasants, a college degree is all we have to pressure the American dream. An educated person with a degree, will be better equipped in this world to be successful, and to pass that down to their children.

/r/changemyview Thread