The comeback game is strong with this one


Artificial insemination is not IVF: IVF involves placing the fertilized egg into the uterus whereas artificial insemination involves injecting sperm into the uterus. The cost of getting pregnant through artificial insemination is around $1000/try.

Let's try to stay with scenarios that are actually occurring more than one in a billion.

7 million Americans lost their homes during the great recession. You think the chances of financial hardship of someone who can afford a $1000 treatment to be 1 in 1billion?

And we don't "allow" a woman to not support her child any more than we allow a man to not support their child.

She decided to bear that burden, he didn't. A woman can decide, when she is pregnant, that supporting a future child will be hard and abort the fetus. The man has no such option, he is bound by her decision. That is what's unfair.

because the cost of IVF keeps poor people from doing it.

This is a dumb argument because nothing is stopping poor people can get pregnant through sex.

a woman who gets sperm from a sperm bank is in many cases allowed to get child support from the donor

No. Many, if not all states makes sure the donor is protected when a sperm bank is in the middle. There are cases where two people have a contract between them that the state doesn't enforce.

We offer those families support if both parents together aren't making enough.

Good! Now offer the same protections to kids whose fathers decided not to support them while they were in their mother's body. Nobody is "hurt". This is the better option you've been disingenuously asking for

As a society we believe everyone should be allowed the opportunity to have children

In this case the man wants the opportunity to not have children, though.

Listen, here in the US we value freedom. We allow people to make bad choices: a poor person could get pregnant and society will step up and help; a young person could get pregnant and society will step up and help; a women could get pregnant by artificial insemination and if she needs help, society will step up and help. The only person we don't help in this equation is the poor schmuck who fancied a girl in the bar and didn't do a good job putting on a condom. The bizarre alliance of bible thumping conservatives and liberals say "fuck that guy, he should have kept his dick in his pants -- think of the children!" -- and we fuck that guy for 18 years straight. She could be a millionaire and he could be a 18 year old making $20K/year, he'd still be on the hook for providing support for the child.

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