Comedian Joe Lycett responds to hate mail

The secret is to dial up your entertainment before you drink. Get to or your YouTube and reddit tabs open - then put the keyboard up, put it down, set it aside.

Focus up now, this is critical. If you feel the need to communicate anything to anyone no matter how positive, or negative it may be; make a note to do your message composition in the morning. It's not about motivation it's about discipline.

I learned the hard way. Man, my last Divo fucked me up. I posted way too much to facebook, said way too much about myself and other people and just became an outright dick. Even in my most-plastered, I can easily recall the morning I woke up and immediately remembered seeing this cute girl in a picture. Clicked her name, and I could post on her wall.

A few mutual friends were of a looser-hanging crowd and I had been tight with 20 years prior. So I commented some cringey nonsense about why we ain't ever met up and how she should let me call her. Oh god I way over-drank the night before and felt awful and the cringes couldn't be shaken.

So I ambled in to the office skipping the bathroom for a monster piss. 4 notifications. All from 2 of my friends with the same last name of the girl... It was her Mom who I had hooked up with in College and her husband.

The comments were - not appreciative and it turned out the daughter had just turned 18 so they thought I'd been creeping on her. Poor girl. I'm - i've never been before and certainly not since been the kind of guy who typed the shit I did for whatever reason that night.

I deleted the post immediately and sent PMs to my ex gf and her husband. The husband had me blocked right after and ex gf unfriended me but she did eventually see the message without responding.

So forward 3-ish years and who do I get a friend request from at like 11 pm? My ex. Kim, we'll say. Anyway I accepted and immediately got the phacebook fone ring going. Of course I ignored that shit I had no idea what she wanted but it probably wasn't good I'm thinking.

I was at a business thing until midnight and when I got to my car, there were messages. "You're still nasty. But I want to be friends again." Followed 10 minutes later by "You're filthy. Probably out picking up some 20 year old girls." Followed very-recently by something along the lines of "That's what I always liked about you. You always just went for it." and "I divorced Kevin."

I didn't know how to respond so I slept on it. Next morning 3 missed calls from Kim on phacebook fone and a message "OMG IM GOING TO SLEEP CALL ME."

After thinking through the embarrassment I'd suffered that drunken evening years prior, and how awful it made me feel, and why she suddenly seems to have forgiven/forgotten and is now trying to hook up - I went to privacy settings and typed in the one and only name I still have blocked on FB to this day.

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