
There are bound to be some errors in this

ヤンキー友達のための翻訳! (Translation for our Yankee friends)

ナウなヤングのネット文化 (self.CadenMoranDiary)

Modern young people's net culture (self.CadenMoranDiary)


Vote people (boat people?), listen to this old man's troubles.


Lately (lit. "now") sometimes I'll ... ???

I want to know about both legal sites and illegal software. (Surely not just about NY, etc.?)


What's the basis on which net slang becomes a dead language / dead vocabulary? Why are "strong agreements" on the outside used so calmly like "normies"? (I have no idea what this sentence is saying lmao)


What's the system for aliases on Japanese subreddits? If this is some 2chan scheme for garbage being assembled it's so ugly lol


What is this "shallow consciousness" bullshit? Haughty otakus getting blown the fuck out?

長くなるだろうからお茶を持ってきた 旦旦旦_(´x`*)

I thought this would be a little long so I brought some green tea 旦旦旦_(´x`*)

/u/Chin-Poh /u/tobeurya /u/kanateko /u/xamXamx /u/koushirou3 /u/inakamonozu /u/highwaros

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