The comments are even worse.

But that fuckwit failed to understand that the REASON they can do all of that, have that basic right, is because of the queer community who put their literal lives on the line to be where we are.

Absolutely. The amount of shame I felt when I was younger…it was overwhelming. I was sheltered and went to my first public school and was introduced to the concept of gay marriage, gay rights, and love being love when I was 14-15.

The entire reason I ended up alright was because of the shock of the LGBT movement being valid and accepted by my friends at the time. When it was legalized, I went through so much emotional distress. We still called people the f-slur back then, and it was common language.

I personally owe so much to the generation before us, who fought a very hard fight to make this happen. I am very grateful. They shouldn’t be erased or taken for granted. They deserve to be celebrated.

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