The community is tearing itself apart whether you see it or not, if things keep up like this smash 4 wont last long

As for all the stuff you have to learn...well just deal with it...other games have just as much if not even more things to learn, take pokemon for example, there you have 600+ pkmns, abilities, attacks, stats, combinations etc. etc. and if you wana play the game competitively you have to learn almost all of it but you dont see them complaining about it do you??

Look man, Pokemon stats and their strengths and weaknesses are very straight-forward and it is a turn-based battle system. Sure, some of them have to take the time to figure out who is the best fighter and whatnot, but those are easily found out through playing the game and its story the first time.

That's not true for Smash, where there are no "turns." Imagine if you went into a Pokemon game and the dude used Earthquake, then right when you thought it was your turn, he used it again, and again, and again, AND AGAIN until you died. You never got a turn. You got absolutely destroyed, and you don't know why. You send out your next Pokemon, and then it happens AGAIN. You sit there trying to figure a way around it. You really do try to figure a way around it. You ask around, and you get met with responses ranging from "just get good scrub," "wait for someone to figure it out or figure it out for yourself," or "ban this dumb technique."

None of those are good for the scene as every single one is toxic in its own way. Telling someone to just get good when there is no actually developed counter-strategy is meaningless advice. Telling someone to wait for the counter-strategy to get discovered would be a serious turn-off - either you play this way, or you get wrecked. The third strategy is what people resort to out of impatience and it is a slippery slope.

I don't have an opinion one way or another about customs. It's very much like those 20XX jokes, the argument about "skill" and which various forms we choose to allow are important to the scene.

Have people become complacent? Sure, but the top players in a lot of scenes complain about things they don't like. There were people that thought Jigglypuff was going to be the death of Melee after it won nearly every single tournament of note for 2 years. Armada literally called Jigglypuff gay. The Smash 4 scene is young, let them work it out. If it's meant to last, it will. I think EVO is going to weigh heavily on whether or not Smash 4 was meant to live or die. Let's see how it plays out

/r/smashbros Thread