Comparison between Messi & Ronaldo (De Lima)

One method is objectively better than the other when it is more efficient in almost every way.

Ronaldo in La Liga: 194 matches, 16645 minutes played

Messi in La Liga: 200 matches, 16968 minutes played

Ronaldo goals-per-match: 1.11

Ronaldo minutes-per-goal: 77.06

Messi goals-per-match: 1.12

Messi minutes-per-goal: 75.75

Ronaldo shots inside the box: 705

Ronaldo goals inside the box: 184

Ronaldo conversion rate inside the box: 26.09%

Messi shots inside the box: 660

Messi goals inside the box: 192

Messi conversion rate inside the box: 29.09%

Ronaldo shots outside the box: 657

Ronaldo goals outside the box: 33

Ronaldo conversion rate outside the box: 5.02%

Messi shots outside the box: 332

Messi goals outside the box: 32

Messi conversion rate outside the box: 9.63%

Ronaldo shots in open play: 807

Ronaldo goals in open play: 103

Ronaldo conversion rate in open play: 12.76%

Messi shots in open play: 706

Messi goals in open play: 159

Messi conversion rate in open play: 22.52%

nb: Whoscored separate with open play/counter/set piece/penalties/own goal, there might be some overlapping. I am not sure.

Like you say...

End product is end product, the process matters but there are different equally legitimate approaches to take. People hate the Messi crowd's insistence that his/their way is superior.

End product is end product. More efficient end product is more efficient end product, and thus, objectively better. As you say in this post.

Sources: Messi, Ronaldo

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