
Dude, SO many people look at guns and libertarian websites lol. I think you're fine. If you're worried that being anonymous online makes you a target for the government, again, SO many people use VPN's or Tor just because.

As for your machine design, hey maybe it is a good idea, maybe you should go to college and get into that kind of work. But unless you're some kind of boy-genius - I'm pretty sure the government has better designs up their sleeve that you or me.

Please try to chill a little bit and think about all of this slowly. Write it down on paper point by point. Does it really make LOGICAL sense or does it FEEL super pressing? Because if it's more of a feeling then that might be something to tell you that you could be wrong. I take meds for anxiety, sometimes my thinking can go overboard and I end up at the wrong conclusions about shit - just consider the possibility, okay bud?

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