Cooking on barracks BANNED

I'm guessing you've got SODEXO or some other private contractor. First off they are all fucking cunts and my apologies because it was my generation that introduced those bastards.

Right, this is what you should do. There will be a book in the Mess for making comments. While that by itself will achieve nothing, you need to start logging everything in it. In particular, when they serve 3 mains, or however they are putting it out on the press, and all are unhealthy - i.e. you had no option but deep fried food - you need to report it in the book, with the date and a description of the types of food. The bad news is that the contract is so poor, that you can't pull them up over poorly cooked food but only on the type of food.

2nd thing, find a supportive officer. Coy Comd would be best. Explain exactly as you have done here, that the food is gash and its just unhealthy. The tone you to want take is not just complaining but ask if they can help come up with a solution. In particular ask him if the Duty/Orderly Officer can make a visit to the Mess every night and read the comments about the food. Typically they should already be doing this and signing off on them - there was a case where the Sodexo fuckers were ripping out complaints and because there wasn't a paper trail (the Officer's signature) they got away with it. (Coy Comd's are the best because they have some clout but also they will be Officer's of the Week and the Subaltern Duty Officers work for them when they are on duty).

Fuck it, I'm now pissed. Can you please PM me and we can go into this in more detail. Also if I know anybody where you are I'll make a few phone calls. The private caters have been taking the piss for too long. You shouldn't have to put up with this.

/r/Military Thread