Matt Damon explains why we they don't make movies like they used to

I really disagree from personal experience. I watched the second Jurassic Park and the second Terminator without seeing the originals and I saw the third Back to the Future movie without seeing the second; I understood them all.

I saw Civil War and was confused despite having seen a decent chunk of prior Marvel movies. Maybe if I had watched Ant Man, Age of Ultron, and the second Captain America movie, maybe I would have been less confused about whatever Sokovia is or who Vision, Bucky, the witch lady, and antman are, but thats a lot of movies. There are just too many characters, plot details, and random references for it to be enjoyable. And so many people told me Age of Ultron sucked, but Civil War is good so I thought I was safe to skip it. This is why I’ll probably never watch infinity war/endgame.

On the other hand all you need to know to watch the Jurassic park sequels is that there are dinosaurs on an island. Other movie series rely on a single plot line with a pretty small cast of characters where it’s easy to just jump in. This is probably still true of movies like fast and furious.

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