The Cop Who Said The Spa Shooter Had A "Bad Day" Previously Posted A Racist Shirt Blaming China For The Pandemic

That shirt looks like satire to me. Have you heard of Poe’s Law? Here’s a taster:

  1. Why should we be curing a disease from China?

Sounds serious, right? Like something an idiot would say. Okay:

  1. Why should we be curing a disease from Chy-na?

Possibly making fun of Trump.

  1. Only a low IQ Sleepy idiot would cure a disease from Chy-na! The real disease is Biden!

Two is somewhere in between the obviously ridiculous satire, and one is quite possibly a real bad take on the source of the disease. If you’re really going to get mad at 2 without considering that it could be satire, then I think this may be the one time I would use the word ‘snowflake’.

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