Cost of 'erb $10/gram

I think it is I who did not explain my self well.

I'm saying that based on my understanding, most illegal weed is comparable to what will be available, therefore the potential for the weed black market is higher.

I think you may have a few friends that are connoisseurs and will order specific strains online, but the fact of the matter is most people who are smoking pot in Newfoundland are just buying low quality weed from local dealers, which I would compare to the kind of alcohol that is quite easy to make at home. Now, the liquor stores may be filled with craft beers, but the best selling beer in Newfoundland and Labrador is Coors Light. It is a bland and inoffensive beer. If most pot smokers can buy the Coors Light of pot they are going to. If someone smokes a half-quarter a week we're talking about around $10 week to avoid the unpleasentness and fucking around of dealing with a dealer.

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