Could I Have Told Him "F You" And Walked Out of the Restaurant Without Paying?

Bro what! U let him walk u home after all this??? AND LET HIM IN YOUR HOUSE. You are a very kind person, but u gotta be a little more cautious. This guy seems genuinely crazy. This was his plan the whole time. Get a free meal and then squat in your house? Holy shit thank god for ur roommate. I’m sorry you had to deal with this.

A traumatizing experience!

As for your legal obligation, I mean, I think someone has to pay, so u can’t just walk out. Restaurant would probably call the police or something if u attempted to leave without paying for a 100 dollar meal.

This man is absolutely crazy, but in general I suggest being comfortable and expecting to at least pay for half the meal. This isn’t relevant in this context (bc he never intended to pay for any of the meal). But just some advice, make sure u have the money and are comfortable paying for half. And if u aren’t comfortable with that, suggest a cheaper restaurant so u can feel comfortable affording half.

Once again, rly sorry this happened to you. This man seems rly fucked up

/r/relationship_advice Thread