Crazy thought here if GOG offered some your current Steam games for free, would you switch?


I have 350 Games. Even if GoG would be offering me a free copy of every single game, i wouldn't step away from steam.

Yeah, sure, i gladly accept the games themselves. (hey, free games! :D)

There is absolutely nothing that will push me away from Steam. Even if Steam decides that they want to keep pushing the paid-mods bullshit.

I like Steam, and i like Gaben.

The paid-mod bullshit didn't affect the games or my experience. The games still run. And if i really want to have a mod that only is receivable per payment, And i think that the money isn't worht it, i'll just go and pirate it.

But the community right now is just absolutely ..shit.

Yelling that Valve is censoring them.. despite the fact that everyone that didn't buy the Mods, just want to go spam in the Paid Mods discussion forums.

"Buhhuu, we get censored, we don't have acess to that discussions... i just wanted to spam, bitch and insult ppl there!"

It also wasn't valve banning the users from the discussions. It was the mod creators. And Bethesda .. but yeah. just keep bitching at steam.

The comments and death threats towards the modders that wanted to be the first in that "new experiment" just proves that this community isn't mature enough to demand absolutely anything.

I hope that steam gets away from the idea with the paid mods, and payments in the workshop altogether.. But i also want to say that we lose nothing of value if the majority of people that are right now on the hate-train, decide to never use Steam again.

Steam turned me from a pirate to a legit user and supporter of indie games. I don't mind if i have to start pirating in a smaller scale again. (mod piracy :P)

Steam has helped the PC-gaming idustrie more, than it damaged it with the idea of using payments in the workshop.

I'm a loyal costumer. And i rather have a discussion about that subject, than the shitty anti-gaben-bitching that we witness on this subreddit right now.

We made our points.. And i'm quite sure that valve has or will have great discussions inside the company. And i hope that they will realize that, what they did, is simply disliked by it's costumer base. (no, not by the "they have a monopoly, lets run all to a different company until they start to fuck up too!"-customers, but by the steam-fans.)

Just my two Cents.

/r/pcmasterrace Thread